Junhai Han
Time: 2013-05-08   Visits: 1142

General information:

Name:  Junhai Han Ph.D. Professor

Tel: 86-25-83790962

E-mail: junhaihan@seu.edu.cn


Academic Background:

2008-presentThe Institute of Life Sciences, Southeast University, Professor

2004-2008Department of Neurobiology, University of MassachusettsMedicalSchool. Postdoctoral Research Fellow

1999-2004Nanjing University, China,Ph.D.

1995-1999Nanjing University, China,B.Sc.


Research Interests:

Our lab is interested in the mechanism of neuronal circuit formation, and the correlation between neuronal circuit function and animal behaviors. We use the Drosophilaand mice as models, as they share many characteristics with vertebrate brains. Combined genetics, molecular and cell biological, electrophysiological and behavioral approaches, we are now generating the anatomical and functional maps for the visual circuits and sleep circuit.


Representative Publications:(* corresponding author; # equal contributor)

1. Wan D, Zhang ZC, Zhang X, Li Q, Han J* (2015). <a href=#, Zhou Z#, Zhang X, Tong H, Li P, Zhang ZC, Jia Z, Xie W*, Han J* (2013). Drosophila Neuroligin 4 Regulates Sleep through Modulating GABA Transmission.J Neurosci. 33:15545-54.  

2. Li T, Tan Y, Li Q, Chen H, Lv H, Xie W, Han J* (2015). The Neurexin-NSF interaction regulates short-term synaptic depression.J Biol Chem. 290:17656-67. (Cover Story).  

3. Hu W, Wang T, Wang X, and Han J* (2015). Ih Channels Control Feedback Regulation from Amacrine Cells to Photoreceptors. PLos Biology. 13:e1002115.

4. Li Y#, Zhou Z#, Zhang X, Tong H, Li P, Zhang ZC, Jia Z, Xie W*, Han J* (2013). Drosophila Neuroligin 4 Regulates Sleep through Modulating GABA Transmission.J Neurosci. 33:15545-54.

5. Tian Y, Li T, Sun M, Wan D, Li Q, Li P, Zhang Z, Han J*, Wei Xie* (2013). Neurexin Regulates Visual Function via Mediating Retinoid Transport to Promote Rhodopsin Maturation. Neuron 77: 311-322. 

6. Hu W, Wan D, Yu X, Cao J, Guo P, Li HS, Han J* (2012). Protein Gq modulates termination of phototransduction and prevents retinal degeneration. J Biol Chem 287:13911-8.  

7. Cao J#, Li Y#, Xia W, Reddig K, Hu W, Xie W, Li HS*, Han J* (2011). A Drosophila metallophosphoesterase mediates deglycosylation of rhodopsin. EMBO J 30: 3701-13. 

8. Han J, Reddig K and Li HS* (2007). Prolonged Gq activity triggers fly rhodopsin endocytosis and degradation and reduces photoreceptor sensitivity. EMBO J 26:4966-73.  

9. Han J#, Gong P#, Reddig K#, Mitra M, Guo P and Li HS* (2006). The fly CAMTA transcription factor potentiates deactivation of the G protein-coupled light receptor rhodopsin. Cell 127: 847-858.