The Discipline of Biology in Southeast University was empowered in 2011. Discipline of Genetics in Southeast University could trace back to National Central University Medical School in 1930’s. The Master Degree Program and Ph. D. Program in Geneticsin Southeast University was empowered by the State Council in 1978 and 2001 respectively, in which students now can be trained in the Key Laboratory of Developmental Genes and Human Diseases, Ministry of Education, China, and the Provincial Key Medical Laboratory of Gene Diagnosis and Therapy in Jiangsu. More than 100 Alumni obtained their degrees in this discipline, including prominence alumni, academician Huanming Yang and academician Lin He. The faculty members (or Principal Investigators) in this discipline consist of 10 full and associate professors, including one Chair Professor of Cheung Kong Scholars Program, one ChiefPrincipal Investigator of 973 Project and three awardees of National Outstanding Youth Award. Their research interests focus on molecular mechanism of human diseases and new diagnostic and therapeutic technologies for the diseases. Since 2001, their research projects have been supported by 3 National Outstanding Young Grants, 40 NSFC grants, 1 NIH R03 grant and 4 grants from the National Basic Research (973) Project.