Renjie Chai
Time: 2016-03-31   Visits: 1455

Renjie Chai

Institute of Life Sciences, Southeast University

Sipailou#2, Wenzheng Li Building, North R231

Nanjing, Jiangsu, P.R.China, 210096

Phone: 18805193999, E-mail:




(if applicable)



Univ. of Sci. and Tech. of China, Heifei, China




Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX



Biomedical Study

Stanford University School of Medicine,   Stanford, CA

Postdoctoral Fellow





2013.08- Current: Professor,Institute of Life Sciences, Southeast University

2009.05 – 2013.08:  Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Stefan Heller and Dr. Alan Cheng’s laboratory, Stanford University School of Medicine, California, U.S.

2004 --- 2009: Ph.D. student, Research Assistant, Laboratory of Jiahuan DING, M.D. Ph.D. & Paul Grayburn, M.D., Institute of Metabolic Disease, Baylor University Medical Center

2002 -- 2004: Research Assistant, Laboratory of Yunyu SHI, Ph.D., School of Life Sciences, USTC


1.  Liman Liu#, Yan Chen#, Jieyu Qi Yanping Zhang, Yingzi He, Wenli Ni, Wen Li, Shasha Zhang, Shan Sun, Makoto Taketo, Lei Wang, Renjie Chai*(Co-corresponding), Huawei Li*. Wnt activation protects against neomycin-induced hair cell damage in the mouse cochlea.<a title=Cell death & disease. href=#, Shan Sun#, Jieyu Qi, Wenyan Li, Liman Liu, Yanping Zhang, Yan Chen, Shasha

 2. Zhang, Lei Wang, Dengshun Miao, Renjie Chai*(Co-corresponding), Huawei Li*. Bmi1 regulates the proliferation of cochlear supporting cells via the canonical Wnt signaling pathway. <a title=Molecular neurobiology. href=#, Wenwen Liu#, Zhaomin Fan, Daogong Zhang,1Yuechen Han, Lei Xu, Jieyu Qi, Shasha Zhang, Bradley T. Gao, Xiaohui Bai, Jianfeng Li, Renjie Chai*(Co-corresponding),Haibo Wang*.The Three-Dimensional Culture System with Matrigel and Neurotrophic Factors Preserves the Structure and Function of Spiral Ganglion Neuron In Vitro. Neural Plasticity, Article ID 4280407, 2016

3. Xueqian Wang#, Xin Wang#, Wei Yuan, Renjie Chai*(Co-corresponding), Dong Liu*. Egfl6 is involved in zebrafish notochord development.Fish Physiol Biochem., 41(4):961-9, 2015

4. Tian Wang#, Renjie Chai#(Co-first), Grace Kim, Nicole Pham, Lina Jansson, Duc-Huy Nguyen, Bryan Kuo,Lindsey May, Jian Zuo, Lisa Cunningham, Alan Cheng*.Damage-Recruited Lgr5+ Cells Regenerate Hair Cells via Proliferation and Direct Transdifferentiationin Neonatal Mouse Utricle. Nature Communications, 7;6:6613, 2015

5. Shan Sun#, Mingzhi Sun#, Yanping Zhang, Cheng Cheng, Muhammad Waqas, Huiqian Yu, Yingzi He, Bo Xu, Lei Wang, Jian Wang, Shankai Yin, Renjie Chai*(Co-corresponding), Huawei Li*. In vivo overexpression of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein protects against neomycin-induced hair cell loss in the apical turn of the cochlea during the ototoxic-sensitive period.<a href=#, Renjie Chai#(Co-first), Anne Lenoir, Zhiyong Liu, LingLi Zhang, Duc-Huy Nguyen,Kavita Chalasani, Katherine Steigelman Jie Fang, Alan Cheng*, Jian Zuo*. Spontaneous hair cell regeneration in the neonatal mouse cochlea in vivo.Development, 141,816-29, 2014

6. Taha Jan#, Renjie Chai#(Co-first), Zahra Sayyid, Renée Amerongen, Anping Xia, Tian Wang,Saku Sinkkonen, Yi Zeng, Jared Levin, Stefan Heller, Roel Nusse*, Alan Cheng*. Tympanic border cells are Wnt-responsive and act as progenitors for postnatal mouse cochlear cells. Development,140, 1196-1206, 2013

7. Renjie Chai#, Bryan Kuo#, Tian Wang, Eric Liaw, Anping Xia, Taha Jana, Zhiyong Liu, Makoto M. Taketo, John Oghalai, Roeland Nusse, Jian Zuo*, Alan Cheng*. Wnt signaling induces proliferation of sensory precursors in the postnatal mouse cochlea. <a title=Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. href=#, Shuyuan Chen#, Jiahuan. Ding*, Paul Grayburn*. Efficient, Glucose Responsive, and Islet-Specific Transgene Expression by a Modified Rat Insulin Promoter. Gene Therapy, 16, 1202–1209, 2009

8. Yingzi He, Dongmei Tang, Wenyan Li, Renjie Chai, Huawei Li*. Histone deacetylase 1 is required for the development of the zebrafish inner ear. Scientific Reports, 6:16535, 2016

9. Ruizhi Feng, Qing Sang, Yanping Kuang, Xiaoxi Sun, Zheng Yan, Shaozhen Zhang, Juanzi Shi, Guoling Tian, Anna Luchniak, Yusuke Fukuda, Bin Li, Min Yu, Junling Chen, Yao Xu, Luo Guo, Ronggui Qu, Xueqian Wang, Zhaogui Sun, Miao Liu, Huijuan Shi, Hongyan Wang, Yi Feng, Ruijin Shao, Renjie Chai, Qiaoli Li, Qinghe Xing, Rui Zhang, Eva Nogales, Li Jin, Lin He, Mohan Gupta, Nicholas Cowan*, Lei Wang*. Mutations in TUBB8 and Human Oocyte Meiotic Arrest.The New England Journal of Medicine, 374:223-32, 2016

10. Yingzi He, Zhengmin Wang, Shaoyang Sun, Dongmei Tang, Wenyan Li, Renjie Chai, Huawei Li*.HDAC3 Is Required for Posterior Lateral Line Development in Zebrafish.Molecular Neurobiology, 2015

11. Xiuhua Chao, Zhaoming Fan, Yuecheng Han, Jianfeng Li, Renjie Chai, Lei Xu, Haibo Wang*. Effects of local application of methylprednisolone delivered by the C/GP-hydrogel on the recovery of facial nerves Acta Otolaryngol. 2135(11):1178-84, 2015

12. Yingzi He, Dongmei Tang,Cunfu Cai, Renjie Chai, Huawei Li*.LSD1 is Required for Hair Cell Regeneration in Zebrafish. Molecular Neurobiology, 2015

13. Honglin Mei, ShanSun, YanBai, Yan Chen,Renjie Chai, Huawei Li*.Reduced mtDNA copy number increases the sensitivity of tumor cells to chemotherapeutic drugs. Cell Death & Disease6:e1710, 2015

14. Ruizhi Feng, Qing Sang, Yan Zhu, Wei Fu, Miao Liu, Yan Xu, Huijuan Shi, Yao Xu, Ronggui Qu, Renjie Chai, Ruijin Shao, Li Jin, Lin He, Xiaoxi Sun, Lei Wang*. MiRNA-320 in the human follicular fluid is associated with embryo quality in vivo and affects mouse embryonic development in vitro. Scientific Reports, 5:8689, 2015

15. Wenyan Li, Jinfang Wu, Jianming Yang, Shan Sun, Renjie Chai, Zhengyi Chen*, Huawei Li*.Notch inhibition inducesmitoticallygenerated hair cells in mammalian cochleae via activating the Wnt pathway.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 112(1):166-71, 2015

16. Yan Chen, Linhui Li, Wenli Ni, Yanping Zhang, Shan Sun, Dengshun Miao, Renjie Chai, Huawei Li*.Bmi1 regulates auditory hair cell survival by maintaining redox balance.Cell Death & Disease, 6:e1605, 2015

17. Yingzi He, Huiqian Yu, Chengfu Cai, Shan Sun, Renjie Chai,Huawei Li*Inhibition of H3K4me2 Demethylation Protects Auditory Hair Cells from Neomycin-Induced Apoptosis.Molecular Neurobiology, 52(1):196-205, 2015

18. Shan Sun, Huiqian Yu, Honglin Mei, Wenli Ni, Yanping Zhang, Luo Guo, Yingzi He, ZhenXue, YusuNi, Jin Li, Yi Feng, YanChen, Ruijin Shao, Renjie Chai, Huawei Li*.Inhibition of the Activation and Recruitment ofMicroglia-Like Cells Protects AgainstNeomycin-Induced Ototoxicity.Molecular Neurobiology, 51:252-267, 2015

19. David Chang, Renjie Chai, Rebecca DiMarco, Sarha Heilshorn, Alan Cheng*. Protein-Engineered Hydrogel Encapsulation for 3D Culture of Murine Cochlea.Otology & Neurotology, 36(3):531-538, 2015

20. Qing Sang, Junyu Zhang, Ruizhi Feng, Xu Wang, Qiaoli Li, Xinzhi Zhao, Qinghe Xing,Weiyu Chen, Jiulin Du, Shan Sun, Renjie Chai, Dong Liu, Li Jin, Lin He, Huawei Li* , L. Wang*. Ildr1b is essential for semicircular canal development, migration of the posterior lateral line primordium, and hearing ability in zebrafish: Implications for a role in the recessive hearing impairment DFNB42. Human Molecular Genetic, 23(23):6201-11, 2014

21. Wenqing Yan, Jianfeng Li, Renjie Chai,Wentao Guo, Lei Xu, Yuechen Han, Xiaohui Bai*, HaiboWang*.Combining Use of Captopril and Losartan Attenuates the Progress of Streptococcus pneumoniae-Induced Tympanosclerosis through the Suppression of TGF-β1 Expression.PLoS One,9(10):e111620, 2014

22. Xiaohui Bai, Huaiqing Lv, Fengguo Zhang, Jinzhi Liu, Zhaomin Fan, Lei Xu, Yuhang Han, Renjie Chai, Jianfeng Li*, H. Wang*. Identification of a novel missense mutation in the WFS1 gene as a cause of autosomal dominant nonsyndromic sensorineural hearing loss in all-frequencies.Am J Med Genet A, 164,(12):3052-60, 2014

23. Xiaodong Gu, Luo Guo, Hantin Ji, Shan Sun, Renjie Chai, Lei Wang, Huawei Li*. Genetic testing for sporadic hearing loss using targeted massively parallel sequencing identifies 10 novel mutations.Clinical Genetics, 2014

24. Stefan Volkenstein, Kazuo Oshima, Saku Sinkkonen, Eduardo Corrales, Sam Most, Renjie Chai, Taha Jan, Alan Cheng, Stefan Heller*. Transient, afferent input-dependent, postnatal niche for neural progenitor cells in the cochlear nucleus. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 110(35):14456-61, 2013

25. Andrew Vu, Garani Nadaraja, Markus Huth, Lauren Luk, John Kim, Renjie Chai, Anthony Ricc*, Alan Cheng*. Integrity and regeneration of mechanotransduction machinery regulates aminoglycoside entry and sensory cell death. Plos One, 8(1):e54794, 2013

26. Saku Sinkkonen, Renjie Chai, Taha Jan, Byron Hartman, Roman Laske, Felix Gahlen, Wera Sinkkonen, Alan Cheng, Kazuo Oshima, Stefan Heller*.Intrinsic regenerative potential of murine cochlear supporting cells.Scientific Reports,1, 26, 2011

27. Taha Jan, Renjie Chai, Zahra Sayyid, Alan Cheng*. Isolating LacZ-expressing cells from mouse inner ear tissues using flow cytometry. Journal of Visualized Experiments, (58), e3432, 2011