


东南大学医学院 副院长


     本科毕业于南京大学生物学系,在日本东京大学获博士学位,曾为日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员、美国加州大学旧金山分校(UCSF)博士后。2004年受聘为东南大学教授。主要研究神经系统发育缺陷而致相关神经精神疾病的发生机制。研究工作获国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金、重点项目以及科技部重点研发项目资助。曾作为首席科学家和首席专家主持国家重点基础研究计划(973)以及863项目。入选新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选、享受国务院特殊津贴专家、江苏省“333工程中青年科技领军人才、江苏省特聘教授;获江苏省有突出贡献中青年专家称号;现任中国神经科学学会理事、江苏省神经生物学会副理事长、Experimental Neurology编委等 




      刘琍: 025-83272362


1.Liu B, Xiao H, Zhao C*. Forced Expression of Foxg1 in the Cortical Hem Leads to the Transformation of Cajal-Retzius Cells into Dentate Granule Neurons. J. Dev. Biol. 2018, 6, 16; doi:10.3390/jdb6030016.

2.Shen W#, Ba R#, Su Y, Ni Y, Chen D, Xie W, Pleasure SJ, Zhao C*. Foxg1 regulates the postnatal development of cortical interneurons.Cereb Cortex. 2018 Apr 18. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhy051.

3.Liu B, Zhou K, Wu X, Zhao C*. Foxg1 deletion impairs the development of the epithalamus. Mol Brain. 2018 Feb 2;11(1):5. doi: 10.1186/s13041-018-0350-2.

4.Xu M#, Han X#, Liu R, Qi C, Yang Z, Zhao C*, Gao J*. PDK1 Deficit Impairs the Development of the Dentate Gyrus in Mice.Cereb Cortex. 2018 Feb 6. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhy024.

5.Yang Y#, Shen W#, Ni Y, Su Y, Yang Z, ZhaoC*. Impaired interneuron development after Foxg1 disruption. Cerebral Cortex.doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhv297. 2017 Jan 271793-808.(IF 8.665)

6.Liu R, Yang Y, Shen J, Chen H, Zhang Q, Ba R, Wei Y, Li KC, Zhang X*, ZhaoC*. Fstl1 is involved in the regulation of radial glial scaffold development.Molecular Brain.2015 Sep 17;8(1):53. doi: 10.1186/s13041-015-0144-8.(IF4.902)

7.LiuJ, LiuB, ZhangX, YuB, GuanW, WangK, YangY, GongY, WuX, YanagawaY, WuS, ZhaoC*. Calretinin-positive L5a pyramidal neurons in the development of the paralemniscal pathway in the barrel cortex. Molecular Brain.2014, Nov 18, 7 (1) :84 , doi:10.1186/s13041-014-0084-8.

8.Wu X, Gu X, Han X, Du A, Jiang Y, Zhang X, Wang Y, Cao G, Zhao C*. A Novel Function for FoxM1 in Interkinetic Nuclear Migration in the Developing Telencephalon And Anxiety-related Behavior.The Journal of Neuroscience2014 Jan; 34(4):1510-1522.(IF6.344)

9.Huang Y, Song NN, Lan W, Zhang Q, Zhang L, Zhang L, Hu L, Chen JY, Zhao C, Li L, Xu L, Ding YQ*. Sensory input is required for callosal axon targeting in the somatosensory cortex. Mol Brain. 2013 Dec 5;6(1):53.doi: 10.1186/1756-6606-6-53.

10.Nie B, Chen K, Zhao S, Liu J, Gu X, Yao Q, Hui J, Zhang Z, Teng G, Zhao C, Shan B* . A Rat Brain MRI Template with Digital Stereotaxic Atlas of Fine Anatomical Delineations in Paxinos Space and its Automated Application in Voxel-Wise Analysis. Human Brain Mapping. 2013 Jun;34(6):1306-18.

11.Tian C, Gong Y, Yang Y, Shen W, Wang K, Liu J, Xu B, Zhao J, Zhao C*. Foxg1 Has An essential Role in Postnatal Development of The Dentate gyrus. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2012. Feb., 32(9):2931-2949.

12.Gu X, Liu B, Wu X, Yan Y, Zhang Y, Wei Y,. Pleasure SJ, Zhao C*. Inducible Genetic Lineage Tracing of Cortical Hem Derived Cajal-Retzius Cells Reveals Novel Properties. PLoS ONE. 2011;6(12):e28653. (recommended by F 1000)

13.Li Y, Tian C, Yang Y, Yan Y, Ni Y, Wei Y, Pleasure SJ, Zhao C*. An inducible transgenic Cre mouse line for the study of hippocampal development and adult neurogenesis. Genesis. 2011 Dec. 49 (12):919-926.

14.Zhou W, Zhang Y, Li Y, Wei YS, Liu G, Liu DP, Pleasure SJ, Xie W, Zhao C*. A transgenic Cre Mouse Line for the Study of Cortical And Hippocampal Development. Genesis. 2010 May; 48(5): 343-50.

15.Yang Y, Liu J, Mao H, Hu YA, Yan Y, Zhao C*.The Expression Pattern of Follistatin-Like 1  in Mouse Central Nervous System Development. Gene Expr Patterns. 2009 Oct; 9(7):532-540.

16.Gu X, Yan Y, Li H, He D, Pleasure SJ, Zhao C*.Characterization of the Frizzled10-CreERTM Transgenic Mouse: An Inducible Cre Line for the Study of Cajal–Retzius Cell Development. Genesis. 2009 Mar; 47(3): 210 – 216.

17.Yan Y, Li Y, Hu C, Gu X, Liu J, Hu YA, Yang Y, Wei Y, Zhao C*. Expression of Frizzled10 in mouse nervous system. Gene Expr Patterns. 2009 Mar; 9 (3):173-177.

18.Hu C, Liu J, Zhang Y, Li Y, Xie W, Zhao C*. A useful transgenic mouse line for studying the development of spinal nociceptive circuits.Neuroscience lett. 2009 Jan 30; 450 (2):211-216.

19.Gu X, He D, Li Y, Hu C, Wei YS, Liu G, Liu D, Pleasure SJ, Xie W, Zhao C*. Generation of Frizzled10-Cre Transgenic Mouse Line: A Useful Tool for the Study of Dorsal Telencephalic Development. Genesis.2008 Oct; 46 (10):523-9.

20.Hu YA, Gu X, Liu J, Yang Y, Yan Y, Zhao C*. Expression pattern of wnt inhibitor factor 1(wif1) during the development in mouse CNS.Gene Expr Patterns.2008 Sep; 8 (7-8): 515-522.

21.Zhao C, Guan W, Pleasure SJ*. A Transgenic Marker Mouse Line Labels Cajal-Retzius Cells from the Cortical Hem and Thalamocortical axons.Brain Res. 2006 Mar 10; 1077 (1):48-53. (cover story)

22.Zhao C*, Avilés C, Abel RA, Almli CR, McQuillen P, Pleasure SJ*.Hippocampal and Visuospatial Learning Defects in Mice with Deletion of Frizzled9, a Gene in the Williams Syndrome Deletion Interval.Development.2005 Jun; 132(12):2917-2927.

23.Zhao C*, Pleasure SJ*.Frizzled9 Protein Is Regionally Expressed in the Developing Medial Wall of the Cortex and the Cells Derived from This Region.Developmental Brain Research. 2005 Jun 9; 157 (1):93-97.

24.Zhao C, Pleasure SJ*.The Frizzled9 Promoter Drives Expression of Transgenes in the Medial Wall of the Cortex and Its Chief Derivative the Hippocampus. Genesis.2004 Sep; 40(1):32-9.

25.Zhou CJ, Zhao C, Pleasure SJ*.Wnt Signaling Mutants Have Decreased Dentate Granule Cell Production And Radial Glial Scaffold Abnormalities. The Journal of Neuroscience.  2004 Jan 7;24(1):121-126.

26.Zhao C, Takita J, Tanaka Y, Setou M, Nakagawa T, Takeda S, Yang HW, Terada S, Nakata T, Takei Y, Saito M, Tsuji S, Hayashi Y, Hirokawa N*. Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 2A Caused by Mutation in a Microtubule Motor KIF1B. Cell. 2001 Jun 1;105(5):587-597.cover story