

题  目: Visualization of Spatiotemporal Behavior and Function of Foxp3+
       Regulatory T Cells in Tumor Microenvironment
报告人:F. Xiao-Feng Qin, Ph.D., Professor
       Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Immunobiology,
       Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China;
       Department of Immunology, University of Texas,
       MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA.
时  间:10:00AM, May 21st, Monday, 2012
地  点:The Meeting Room (2nd Floor, South), Wenzheng-Li Building
        Sipailou Campus, Institute of Life Sciences, Southeast University
主持人:Ming Fang, Ph. D.
主  办:The Key Laboratory of DGHD,
        Institute of Life Sciences, Southeast University