






      1. 神经干细胞自我更新与定向分化受其微环境中生化、物理等因素联合调控。特别的,三维培养条件下干细胞行为调控规律仍亟待研究。本实验室在以纳米技术制备的细胞三维培养支架上进行神经干细胞行为调控研究,探讨三维微环境中包括电场刺激在内的物化因素对神经干细胞更新与分化的调控规律,并在此基础上研发适宜体内移植和神经类疾病治疗的组织工程支架。

      2. 神经细胞于三维培养环境下其生长发育规律可能迥异于传统的二维培养,研究三维环境下神经细胞的生长发育有助于理解生理条件下细胞生长发育规律,且能给体外操纵神经细胞生长发育进而有目的性加以利用提供很好的研究模型。本实验室试图理解三维环境中神经细胞结构生长发育、功能三维构建等关键问题,为人为调控神经细胞生长发育从而治疗神经疾病奠定理论基础。


  1. Q Song, Z Jiang, N Li, L Liu, M-L Tang*, GS Cheng*. (2014) Anti-inflammatory effects of three dimensional graphene via restricting microglia morphological transformation. Biomaterials (Accepted) (*Co-corresponding author)

  2. M-L Tang1, Q Song1, N Li1, Z-Y Jiang, R Huang, et al. (2013) Enhancement of electrical signaling in neural networks on graphene films. Biomaterials, 34:6402-11. (1Equal Contribution)

  3. N Li1, Q Zhang1, S Gao, Q Song, R Huang, L Wang, L Liu, J Dai*, M-L Tang*, GS Cheng*. (2013) Three-dimensional graphene foam as a biocompatible and conductive scaffold for neural stem cells. Scientific Reports, 3:1604.  (*Co-corresponding author)

  4. L Qi, N Li, R Huang, Q Song, L Wang, Q Zhang, R Su, T Kong, M-L Tang*, GS Cheng*. (2013)  The effects of topographical patterns and sizes on neural stem cell behavior. PLoS ONE, 8:e59002. (*Co-corresponding author)

  5. XY Gao1, M-L Tang1, ZF Li, et al., (2013) Streptavidin-conjugated CdSe/ZnS quantum dots impaired synaptic plasticity. J Nanopart Res, 15:1575. (1Equal Contribution)

  6. N Li, X Zhang, Q Song, Q Zhang, T Kao, L Liu, G Jin, M-L Tang*, GS Cheng*. (2011) The promotion of neurite sprouting and outgrowth of mouse hippocampal cells in culture by graphene substrates. Biomaterials, 34:6402-11. (*Co-corresponding author)

  7. M-L Tang1, Z-F Li1, L Chen, T-R Xing, Y Hu, et al. (2009) The effect of quantum dots on synaptic transmission and plasticity in the hippocampal dentate gyrus area of anesthetized rats. Biomaterials,30(28):4948-55. (1Equal Contribution)

  8. M-L Tang, L Luo, D-M Zhu, M Wang, et al. (2009) Muscarinic cholinergic modulation of synaptic transmission and plasticity in rat hippocampus following chronic lead exposure. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology, 379(1):37-45.

  9. M-L Tang, T-R Xing, J Zeng, H-L Wang, et al. (2008) Unmodified CdSe quantum dots induce elevation of cytoplasmic calcium levels and impairment of functional properties of sodium channels in rat primary cultured hippocampal neurons. Environ Health Perspect, 116(7):915.

  10. M-L Tang, M Wang, T-R Xing, J Zeng, H-L Wang, Ruan DY. (2008) Mechanisms of unmodified CdSe quantum dot-induced elevation of cytoplasmic calcium levels in primary cultures of rat hippocampal neurons. Biomaterials, 29(33):4383-4391.