










南京市丁家桥87号,东南大学医学院 综合楼 北426房间










1990参加工作,2002,6毕业于哈尔滨医科大学医学遗传学专业,获医学博士学位。2006.9–2006.12德国马格德堡大学医学院高级访问学者。2008.3-2008.9香港大学医学院Research Fellow。主要从事消化道肿瘤的表遗传调控机制及肿瘤诊断学标志物,分子分型标志物的研究。先后承担国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金等各级别项目11项,现在研国家自然科学基金2项。参编国家级“十一五” 规划教材《医学遗传学》,国家级“十二五”规划教材《医学遗传学》。参编《肿瘤表观遗传学》《分子诊断技术》等专著。主讲《普通遗传学》《医学遗传学》《医学细胞生物学》等课程。

表观遗传调控在功能基因表达中普遍存在,其表现形式多种多样,以DNA甲基化修饰、组蛋白修饰及非编码RNAmiRNAlncRNA)调控为主,调控哺乳动物的基因的表达,参与细胞及机体的生命活动。恶性肿瘤是正常细胞的异常发育,存在多种表观遗传修饰及调控的异常。本研究组以消化系统肿瘤为研究对象,致力于其发生及进展过程中表观遗传现象及机制的研究,力求发现在疾病过程中起重要作用关键分子和作用方式,指导于肿瘤的临床诊断与治疗。 近期关注分析消化道肿瘤中表观遗传调控因子及非编码RNA 在消化道肿瘤中的作用及可能的机制,同时寻找并分析可以服务于临床工作的表观遗传标志物及其应用的可能性,应用表观遗传调控因子SNP, 分析消化道肿瘤的遗传易感性。


  1. Hu JJ, Song W, Zhang SD, Shen XH, Qiu XM, Wu HZ, Gong PH, Lu S, Zhao ZJ, He ML*, Fan H*. HBx-upregulated lncRNA UCA1 promotes cell growth and tumorigenesis by recruiting EZH2 and repressing p27Kip1/CDK2 signaling.Sci Rep. 2016;6:23521.

Genome-wide profiling of DNA methylation reveals preferred sequences of DNMTs in hepatocellular carcinoma cells.

  1. Fan H*, Zhao Z, Cheng Y, Cui H, Qiao F, Wang L, Hu J, Wu H, Song W. Tumour Biol. 2016 ;37:877-85

  2. Cui H, Zhao C, Gong P, Wang L, Wu H, Zhang K, Zhou R, Wang L, Zhang T, Zhong S,Fan H*. DNA methyltransferase 3A promotes cell proliferation by silencing CDK inhibitor p18(INK4C) in gastric carcinogenesis.  Sci Rep. 2015;5:13781.

  3. Zhao Z, Wang L, Song W, Cui H, Chen G, Qiao F, Hu J, Zhou R,Fan H*.Reduced miR-29a-3p expression is linked to the cell proliferation and cell migration in gastric cancer.World J Surg Oncol. 2015;13:101.

  4. Cui H, Wang L, Gong P, Zhao C, Zhang S, Zhang K, Zhou R, Zhao Z,Fan H*.Deregulation between miR-29b/c and DNMT3A Is Associated with Epigenetic Silencing of the CDH1 Gene, Affecting Cell Migration and Invasion in Gastric Cancer.PLoS One. 2015;10:e0123926.

  5. Wu HZ, Zhang K, Pihai Gong PH, Qiao FC, Wang L, Cui H, Sui XY, Gao JF, Fan H* A novel functional tagSNP rs7560488 in the DNMT3A1 promoter is associated with susceptibility to gastric cancer by modulating promoter activity.PLoS One. 2014259:e92911

  6. Qiao F, Zhang K, Gong P, Wang L, Hu J, Lu S, Fan H*. Decreased miR-30b-5p expression by DNMT1 methylation regulation involved in gastric cancer metastasis.Mol Biol Rep. 2014 ;41:5693-700.

  7. Qiu XM, Zhang LH, Lu S, Song YW, Lao Y B, Hu JJ, Fan H* . Upregulation of DNMT1 mediated by HBx suppresses RASSF1A expression independent of DNA methylation. Oncol Rep. 201431: 202-208

  8. Lao YB, Wu HZ, Zhao CC, Wu QY, Qiao FC,Fan H*. Promoter polymorphisms of DNA methyltransferase 3B and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. Biomedical Reports. 2013;1: 771-775.

  9. Zhao CC, Yan F, Wu HZ, Qiao FC, Qiu XM, Fan H*. DNMT3A -448A>G polymorphism and the risk for hepatocellular carcinoma. Biomedical Reports. 2013;1:664-668.

  10. Qiu X, Dong S, Qiao F, Lu S, Song Y, Lao Y, Li Y, Zeng T, Hu J, Zhang L, Zhang L, Fan H*. HBx-mediated miR-21 upregulation represses tumor-suppressor function of PDCD4 in hepatocellular carcinoma.Oncogene. 2013; 32, 3296 – 3305

  11. Wu Q, Lu S, Wang L, Hu J, Qiao F, Qiu X, Zhao C, Lao Y, Song Y, Fan H*. DNMT3A rs36012910 A>G polymorphism and gastric cancer susceptibility in a Chinese population.Mol Biol Rep. 2012;39:10949-55.

  12. Fan H*, Chen L, Zhang F, Quan Y, Su X, Qiu X, Zhao Z, Kong KL, Dong S, Song Y, Chan TH, Guan XY. MTSS1, a novel target of DNA methyltransferase 3B, functions as a tumor suppressor in hepatocellular carcinoma.Oncogene. 2012;31:2298-308.

  13. Qiao F, Su X, Qiu X, Qian D, Peng X, Chen H, Zhao Z, Fan H*. Enforced expression of RASAL1 suppresses cell proliferation and the transformation ability of gastric cancer cells.Oncol Rep. 2012;28:1475-81

  14. Zhao Z, Li C, Song Y, Wu Q, Qiao F, Fan H*. Association of the DNMT3A -448A>G polymorphism with genetic susceptibility to colorectal cancer.Oncol Lett. 2012;3:450-454.

  15. Liu H, Jiao Y, Guan Y, Lao Y, Zhao C, Fan H*.The DNMT3B -579 G>T promoter polymorphism and risk of lung cancer.Exp Ther Med. 2012;3:525-529.

  16. Zhao ZJ,Wu QX,Chen J, Qiu XM,Zhang JQ, Fan H*. Depletion of DNMT3A suppressed cell proliferation and restored PTEN in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. J Biomed Biotech. 2010;2010:737535.

  17. Fan H, Liu DS, Qiu XM, Qiao FC, Wu QX, Su XW, Zhang F, Song YW, Zhao ZJ, Xie W  A functional polymorphism in the DNA methyltransferase 3A promoter modifies the susceptibility in gastric cancer but not in esophageal carcinoma.BMC Medicine. 2010 Feb 3;8:12

  18. Su XW, Lv CY, Qiao FC, Qiu XM, Huang WB, Wu QX, Zhao ZJ,Fan H. Expression pattern and clinical significance of DNA methyltransferase 3B variants in gastric carcinoma. Oncol Rep.2010; 23:819-26.

  19. Hu J, Fan H*, Liu D, Zhang S, Zhang F, Xu H. DNMT3B promoter polymorphism and risk of gastric cancer.Dig Dis Sci.2010;55:1011-6.

  20. Qiu XM, Qiao FC, Su XW, Zhao ZJ, Fan H*. Epigenetic activation of E-cadherin is a candidate therapeutic target in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Exp. Ther. Med. 2010;1: 519-523.

  21. Fan H*, Zhao ZJ, Cheng J, Su XW, Wu QX, Shan YF. Overexpression of DNA methyltransferase 1 and its biological significance in primary hepatocellular carcinoma.World J Gastroenterol.200915:2020-6.

  22. Fan H*, Liu DS, Zhang SH, Hu JB, Zhang F, Zhao ZJ.The DNMT3B G>T promoter Polymorphism and the Risk of Esophagus Carcinoma in a Chinese Population.World J Gastroenterol. 2008;14:2230-4.

  23. Fan H*, Zhang F, Hu J, Liu D, Zhao Z. Promoter polymorphisms of DNMT3B and the risk of colorectal cancer in Chinese: a case-control study. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2008; 27:24.

  24. Fan H*, Cheng J, Zhao ZJ.  Inhibition of de novo DNA Methyltransferase 3B is a Potential. Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Gastroen Res. 2008;1:33-39

  25. Fan H*, Zhao Z, Quan Y,Xu J, Zhang J, Xie W.  DNA methyltransferase 1 knock down induces silenced CDH1 gene re-expression by demethylation of methylated CpG in HCC cell line SMMC-7721. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2007;19:952-61  

  26. Fan H*, Zhao ZJ, Cheng YC, Shan YF, Lu ZH, Zhang JQ, Xie W. Analysis of gene induction and apoptosis in human hapetocellular carcinoma cells SMMC-7721 exposed to the methylation inhibitor 5-Aza-2’-deoxycytidine.  Chin Med J (Engl). 2007;120:1626-31

  27. Xu W, Fan H*, He X.LOI of IGF2 is associated with esophageal cancer and linked to methylation status of IGF2 DMR.J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2006;25: 543-7.