











1. Wang F, Peters R, Jia J, Mudd M, Salemi M, Allers L, Javed R, Duque TLA, Paddar MA, Trosdal ES, Phinney B, Deretic V. ATG5 provides host protection acting as a switch in the atg8ylation cascade between autophagy and secretion. Developmental Cell. 2023 May 22;58(10):866-884.e8.

2. Wang F, Trosdal ES, Paddar MA, Duque TLA, Allers L, Mudd M, Akepati PR, Javed R, Jia J, Salemi M, Phinney B, Deretic V. The role of ATG5 beyond Atg8ylation and autophagy. Autophagy. 2023 Oct 24;:1-3.

3. Deretic V, Wang F. Autophagy is part of the answer to tuberculosis. Nature Microbiology. 2023 May;8(5):762-763.

4. Jia J, Wang F, Bhujabal Z, Peters R, Mudd M, Duque T, Allers L, Javed R, Salemi M, Behrends C, Phinney B, Johansen T, Deretic V. Membrane Atg8ylation, stress granule formation, and MTOR regulation during lysosomal damage. Autophagy. 2023 Jun;19(6):1893-1895.

5. Javed R, Jain A, Duque T, Hendrix E, Paddar MA, Khan S, Claude-Taupin A, Jia J, Allers L, Wang F, Mudd M, Timmins G, Lidke K, Rusten TE, Akepati PR, He Y, Reggiori F, Eskelinen EL, Deretic V. Mammalian ATG8 proteins maintain autophagosomal membrane integrity through ESCRTs. The EMBO Journal. 2023 Jun 5;:e112845.

6. Jia J, Wang F, Bhujabal Z, Peters R, Mudd M, Duque T, Allers L, Javed R, Salemi M, Behrends C, Phinney B, Johansen T, Deretic V. Stress granules and mTOR are regulated by membrane atg8ylation during lysosomal damage. The Journal of Cell Biology. 2022 Nov 7;221(11).

7. Claude-Taupin A, Jia J, Bhujabal Z, Garfa-Traoré M, Kumar S, da Silva GPD, Javed R, Gu Y, Allers L, Peters R, Wang F, da Costa LJ, Pallikkuth S, Lidke KA, Mauthe M, Verlhac P, Uchiyama Y, Salemi M, Phinney B, Tooze SA, Mari MC, Johansen T, Reggiori F, Deretic V. ATG9A protects the plasma membrane from programmed and incidental permeabilization. Nature Cell Biology. 2021 Aug;23(8):846-858.

8. Wang F, Pulinilkunnil T, Flibotte S, Nislow C, Vlodavsky I, Hussein B, Rodrigues B. Heparanase protects the heart against chemical or ischemia/reperfusion injury. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 2019 Jun; 131:29-40.

9. Wang F, Jia J, Rodrigues B. Autophagy, metabolic disease, and pathogenesis of heart dysfunction. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2017 Jul;33(7):850-859.

10. Zhang D, Wang F, Lal N, Chiu AP, Wan A, Jia J, Bierende D, Flibotte S, Sinha S, Asadi A, Hu X, Taghizadeh F, Pulinilkunnil T, Nislow C, Vlodavsky I, Johnson JD, Kieffer TJ, Hussein B, Rodrigues B. Heparanase overexpression induces glucagon resistance and protects animals from chemically induced diabetes. Diabetes. 2017 Jan;66(1):45-57. 

11. Wang F, Jia J, Lal N, Zhang D, Chiu AP, Wan A, Vlodavsky I, Hussein B, Rodrigues B. High glucose facilitated endothelial heparanase transfer to the cardiomyocyte modifies its cell death signature. Cardiovascular Research. 2016 Dec;112(3):656-668.

