



  关文月 副研究员 











  1. 性别特异性神经环路的建立与调控机制

  2. 个体行为抉择/输出的神经与环路调控机制


  1. Wenyue Guan; Ziyan Nie; Anne Laurençon; Mathilde Bouchet; Christophe Godin; Chérif Kabir; Aurelien Darnas; Jonathan Enriquez; The role of Imp and Syp RBPs in precise neuronal elimination by apoptosis through the regulation of TFs, eLife, 2023.

  2. Mathilde Bouchet; Séverine Urdy; Wenyue Guan; Chérif Kabir; Steve Garvis; Jonathan Enriquez ; A simple smiFISH pipeline to quantify mRNAat the single-cell level in 3D, STAR protocols, 2023, 4(2).

  3. Wenyue Guan; Stéphanie Bellemin; Mathilde Bouchet; Lalanti Venkatasubramanian; Camille Guillermin; Anne Laurençon; Kabir Chérif; Aurélien Darnas; Christophe Godin; Séverine Urdy; Richard Mann; Jonathan Enriquez; Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Transcription Factor Codes in Immature Neurons Drives Neuronal Diversity, Cell Reports, 2022, 39(13).

  4. Wenyue Guan; Romain Guyot; Frédéric Flamant; Two protocols to study the interactions of thyroid hormone receptors with other proteins and chromatin, Methods in Molecular Biology, 2018.6, 1801: 9-16.

  5. Wenyue Guan; Lalanti Venkatasubramanian; Myungin Baek; Richard S Mann; Jonathan Enriquez; Visualize Drosophila Leg Motor Neuron Axons Through the Adult Cuticle, Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2018, (140).

  6. Suzy Markossian; Romain Guyot; Sabine Richard; Marie Teixeira; Nadine Aguilera; Mathilde Bouchet; Michelina Plateroti; Wenyue Guan; Karine Gauthier; Denise Aubert; Frédéric Flamant; CRISPR/Cas9 Editing of the Mouse Thra Gene Produces Models with Variable Resistance to Thyroid Hormone, Thyroid, 2018.11, 28(1): 139-150.

  7. Wenyue Guan; Romain Guyot; Jacques Samarut; Frédéric Flamant; Jiemin Wong; Karine Gauthier; Methylcytosine dioxygenase TET3 interacts with thyroid hormone nuclear receptors and stabilizes their association to chromatin, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017, 114(31): 8229-8234.

  8. Rulai Han; Lei Ye; Xiaohua Jiang; Xiaoyi Zhou; Cyrielle Billon; Wenyue Guan; Karine Gauthier; Weiyuan Fang; Weiqing Wang; Jacques Samarut; Guang Ning; Characteristics of patients with late manifestation of resistance thyroid hormone syndrome: a single-center experience, Endocrine, 2015.6, 50(3): 689-97.