

王松 上岗副研究员


办公地点:汇川楼 B408


2008年本科毕业于集美大学,分别于2015年和2018年在中国海洋大学和德国Jacobs University Bremen取得硕士、博士学位,之后继续在Jacobs University Bremen进行博士后研究,2020年入职深圳大学,于20243月加入东南大学生命科学与技术学院。


近期代表性论文:(# co-first author; * corresponding author

1. Song Wang, Chenzhi Zhang, Kai Zhang, Ling Zhang, Ru Bi, Yuxin Zhang, Zhangli Hu*. One-step bioremediation of hypersaline and nutrient-rich food industry process water with a domestic microbial community containing diatom Halamphora coffeaeformis. Water Research. 2024. 254, 121430.

2. Kai Zhang, Shuqin Jiang, Juan Zhang, Jishu Zheng, Ping Li, Song Wang*, Ru Bi, Lihong Gao*. Phycoremediation and valorization of hypersaline pickled mustard wastewater via cultivation of Chaetoceros muelleri. Bioresource Technology. 2024. 393, 130172.

3. Song Wang, Xiyi Zhou, Sha Wu, Mengkai Zhao and Zhangli Hu*. Transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses revealed regulation mechanism of mixotrophic Cylindrotheca sp. glycerol utilization and biomass promotion. Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts. 2023. 16:84.

4. Song Wang # *, Franziska Ortiz Tena#, Rohit Dey, Claudia Thomsen, Christian Steinweg, Dennis Kraemer, Amit Dan Grossman, Yonas Zeslase Belete, Roy Bernstein, Amit Gross, Stefan Leu, Sammy Boussiba, Laurenz Thomsen, Clemens Posten. Submerged hollow-fiber-ultrafiltration for harvesting microalgae used for bioremediation of a secondary wastewater. Separation and Purification Technology. 2022. 289, 120744.

5.王松, 吴莎, 江亚男, 胡章立*. 微藻光合作用的优化升级助力“双碳”目标. 合成生物学.

2022, 3(05) .

6. Song Wang #, Sha Wu#, Guanpin Yang, Kehou Pan, Lulu Wang, Zhangli Hu. A review on

the progress, challenges and prospects in commercializing microalgal fucoxanthin. Biotechnology Advances. 2021. 53, 107865.

7. Song Wang *, Diana Sirbu, Laurenz Thomsen, Nikolai Kuhnert, Matthias S. Ullrich, Claudia Thomsen. Comparative lipidomic studies of Scenedesmus sp. (Chlorophyceae) and Cylindrotheca closterium (Bacillariophyceae) reveal their differences in lipid production under nitrogen starvation. Journal of Phycology. 2019. 55(6), 1246-1257.

8. Song Wang *, Sujit Kumar Verma, Inamullah Hakeem Said, Laurenz Thomsen, Matthias S. Ullrich, Nikolai Kuhnert. Changes in the fucoxanthin production and protein profiles in Cylindrotheca closterium in response to blue light-emitting diode light. Microbial Cell Factories. 2018. 17:110.

9. Song Wang *, Inamullah Hakeem Said, Candice Thorstenson, Claudia Thomsen, Matthias S. Ullrich, Nikolai Kuhnert, Laurenz Thomsen. Pilot-scale production of antibacterial substances by the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin. Algal Research. 2018. 32C, 113-120.

10. Song Wang, Lin Zhang, Guanpin Yang, Jichang Han, Laurenz Thomsen, Kehou Pan *. Breeding 3 elite strains of Nannochloropsis oceanica by nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis and robust screening. Algal Research. 2016. 19: 104-108.

11. Song Wang, Lin Zhang, Guanpin Yang, Baohua Zhu, Kehou Pan *. Purification of a diatom and its identification to Cylindrotheca closterium. Journal of Ocean University of China. 2015. 14 (2): 357–361.